
Basic in the concept, big in the quantities  The KAISER MORO Basic Line concept stands for equipments which are manufactured for tenders in larger quantities and in the same design; these equipments may be pure jetting or suction vehicles, as well as combined sewer cleaning vehicles. The precisely verified design of the vehicles and the timely order processing are key elements in the Basic Line. KAISER MORO has gained a lot of experience together with the main European truck manufacturers in finding out the perfect technical features for this line of equipments, specifically studied for local markets in Africa and Middle East countries. The supply of this big quantities of equipment which are usually destined to big local organization is always managed together with clear documentation,  deep training in the after sales support, prompt spare parts availability. 

Har du frågor?

Liechtenstein, USA, Italien, Finland, Österrike och Slovakien. Vad betyder 6 internationella platser och ett nätverk av 100 försäljnings- och servicepartners runt om i världen? Närhet till kunden och lokal service.

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T +421 33 735 3580


T +421 33 735 3580